Data usage conditions

This database has been compiled by Ruwac Asia based on own data from practical experience as well as research information available to the general public.

The information published on our website may be used only as a guideline to better understand how to specify requirements for industrial dust collection system design, both from an operational as well as an equipment specification point of view.

At no point do we accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the information compiled by us, nor do we accept any liability for consequential damages,  which any party may wish to claim against us.

This website and this database is designed for the explicit use by professional personnel working for industrial manufacturers, engineering companies and original equipment manufacturers.

Any party who wish to make an inquiry for our products is entirely responsible for the correctness of any data submitted to us and must make their own research and decisions about specifications and conditions applicable for his inquiry.

The information published in this website is the intellectual property of Ruwac PTE Limited and may not be copied partially or in its entirety by any party without written consent by Ruwac PTE Limited.

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